photo of empty library shelves with a transparent burgundy overlay

Save NYC Libraries

Additional budget cuts will devastate our communities.

NYC Libraries Create Community


Libraries are the glue that holds our neighborhoods together. In good times, libraries provide a space for gathering, sharing our knowledge, and cultivating relationships. During difficult times, libraries are a lifeline that can connect people to critical resources that can better their livelihoods.


From language classes, to literacy programs, to career services, libraries offer the pathways for New Yorkers of all ages to thrive.

Funding Libraries = Funding our Communities

What You Can Do

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black and white photo of a person's hands diialing an office style touch tone phone while holding the receiver

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Volunteer with us!

Ready to join the fight for NYC libraries? We can only do it with dedicated volunteers like you!

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Call your City Council Member

That's right, use the phone! Call your council member's office, and let them know you are upset about these cuts. Don't know who your council member is? Find them by entering your address at the link below.

These budget cuts are ridiculous and unnecessary, make your voice heard today.

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Save NYC Libraries is a campaign of Urban Librarians Unite, a passionate group of urban library professionals and advocates working to support libraries and library workers in urban environments.